You are here:Home > Parts & Accessories > Other Vacuums > Renfert Vortex Vacuum > Renfert Vortex Vacuum Parts/Bags/Filters
Renfert Vortex Vacuums for dental applications are manufactured in Germany by Wap/Alto, known for being the highest quality producer of wet/dry vacuums in the world. The newer generation of these vacuums are the Attix series vacuums shown on our web site. Renfert Vortex labeled the Wap/Alto vacuums under their name. See the simlarities below:

We have a full line of bags, filters, parts, motors, etc. for these vacuums.

The Wap vacuum eqivalent is the SQ 10.

Bags for Renfert Vortex, use bag 302001493 (click on part number to see the bags)
Filter 1.0 micron for Renfert Vortex, use filter 29747
HEPA filter 0.3 micron for Renfert Vortex, use filter 40181

For any other parts for the Renfert Vortex vacuums, or questions about the new generation of Wap/Alto dust collection vacuums, please email us at [email protected]
